AOR ONE The AOR AR-ONE may look like the AR8600 but is somewhat of a different beast.

A project that appeared to have been previously labled with the SR-1030 badge at a Japanese show in 2001 the AR-ONE is a high performance wide band receiver with frequency coverage to 3.3GHz. This is a commercial / government targeted product but aailable to those enthusiats looking for the ultimate in receiver performance.

It is not yet available in Europe as CE certification is under way however productiuon models are available from Japan as a Special Order for customers outside the EU.

The AOR ONE has the option of a Separation Kit. This includes a control head adapter and 16 feet separation cable.

It should be stressed the AOR ONE is NOT an AR8600, performance and features are closer to those of the AR5000 but offering even higher RF performance.

AOR have produced an colour leaflet for the unit, a copy of which is available in Adobe PDF format

What appears to be an early version of the operting manual is is also available voa our web site.

Price and Availability

Now available as a special order for customers both in the UK/EU at £3399.00 including VAT and for customers outside the EU at £2900.00, around - US$5200 as of early April 2004 including Express Carrier delivery. Orders will only be accepted with payment by Bank Transfer or cleared Cheque in Sterling or most Global Currencies.

Other Information

All Pages Copyright (c) Javiation 2004