• VHF/UHF Airband Guide and Callsign List (Javiation £12.50)
    Our 1998 Airband frequency guide is now available - fully updated and revised in July 1998 it now details over 10,000 Military callsigns and totals over 300 pages. A5 size and Ringbound

  • 1997 Military Aircraft Callsign Guide (£7.95)
    A5 sized, ring bound publication listing over 8,000 Military & Government Callsigns. Details include callsign, aircraft type and operating unit/command. Essential reference for the keen military airband listener.
  • The U.K. Scanning Directory (Interproducts £18.50)
    The new 6th edition of this quide is now available. The very best General VHF/UHF frequency guide available in the U.K.
  • Flight Routings 1998 (£6.95)
    The annual guide to overflights to/from UK Airports and regularly overflying UK Airspace. A great aid to the VHF Airband listener and also for those who may listen to HF Oceanic frequencies as it also details many of the flights operating from Mainland Europe to the USA and Canada.
  • Air Traffic Control (Ian Allan £4.99)
    A pocket sized guide to the basics of Air Traffic Control. Ideal for those who are a little unfamiliar with all the "jargon" and wish to understand a little more of what's going on.

  • Eavesdropping on the British Military (Interproducts £17.50)
    An A4 publication detailing for the first time many aspects of British Military Communications. Various sections give details on the Royal Navy, RAF and Army communications with information on HF, VHF, UHF & Satellite systems and frequencies. Some aspects of the book are a little out of date however it is certainly a valuable addition to the bookshelf of anybody interested in Military Communications.

  • Scanners 3 (Argus Books £9.95)
    The latest edition of the very popular "Scanners" book. The only publication that has been available in the U.K. that gives a good, general and understanding look at "Scanning" in general. The early part of the book gives a little help to the newcomer on scanning in general - simple radio "theory", hardware, antenna design whilst later sections include a guide to HF bands together with the full British VHF/UHF Bandplan with frequency listings (not as comprehensive as the Scanning Directory though). The final chapters give details of some of the "current" scanners available.

E-Mail Javiation for further information

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