SBS-1e Real Time Virtual Radar
SBS-1e Real Time Virtual Radar
Kinetic SBS-1er
Real Time Virtual Radar

What is the SBS-1er ?

    The SBS-1er is a revolutionary product that combines hardware with software and allows not only aviation professionals but aircraft enthusiasts worldwide the ability to monitor the skies in an unprecedented fashion and have a Real Time Radar display on their PC screen of Mode-S/ADS-B equipped aircraft the airpsace immediately around them. It follows on from the very successful SBS-1, SBS-1 Mk2 and SBS-1e however adds the new feature of a built in VHF Airband and FM receiver.

    Details for the SBS-1e are below and you can download the SBS-1e brochure (in Adobe PDF format) here but please read on for more details and information.

    The SBS-1er receiver connects to, and takes power from to your PC via USB (1.1 or 2.0). The latest "Mk2" version we are now shipping can also be powered, if required from an extrnal 12v DC Power SOurce such as you car cigar lighter socket. A magnetic mount antenna and cable with suitable fittings is also supplied and optional external antennas are available. Performance is greatly improved by the use of an external antenna. The SBS-1er receiver uses a SMA connector on the rear for both Mode-S data and VHF airband reception.
SBS-1 Kit 1 - SBS receiver
2 - USB Lead 3 - CD with BaseStation software and support documentation
4 - 1090MHz Antenna
5 - BNC Antenna Cable

    The supplied BaseStation software that ships with the SBS-1er is a powerful application that provides functionality including the identification of aircraft by callsign, altitude, speed and other parameters where such information is transmitted. The application uses a received aircraft's unique Mode-S hex code to retrieve manufacturer, ownership, configuration and other background information from user sharable and editable SQLite database. This information is readily available from public domain aviation websites worldwide and an ever growing userbase of owners willing to share information.

    The supplied BaseStation software provides the ability to assign notes with history to each aircraft as well as image data. The most recent release of the software has several new features and data is now stored in a SQLite database rather than the XML format used on earlier versions of the BaseStation software. The powerful software allows single or multiple aircraft to be tracked in three dimensions. New features, updates and tweaks are implemented in new software releases that can be downloaded from the Kinetic website.

    The application can be set to log all received data to disk for later importation into a database for further query manipulation.

    The application allows for waypoints or points of interest to be entered and displayed on the vector scope making it easier to determine if an aircraft has flown over or near a location. All distance calculations are made using Great Circle methodology for accuracy.

    Latitude and Longtitude ADS-B broadcast data must be received by the SBS-1 for the BaseStation software to accuratly display and update an aircraft position. The BaseStation application will still show non ADS-B received Data if selected although ths will not be shown on the Virtual Radar screen. Click on any image below for a larger version.

    Lastest Features
    The latest version of Basestation, features a major new features and improvements:

      Better than 3dB increase in sensitivity than original SBS-1
      Up to 20% more aircraft viewable on screen (under multiple test conditions)

      Ethernet built-in as standard
      Connect the SBS-1 direct to your own Network

      Database/Other Applications
      All flights and sessions are recorded in a database, which can be separately browsed (and reported on) by a new application, the BaseStation Reporter. This gives much more flexibility in the use of the data and means that people no longer have to kludge "daily reports" by setting the data timeouts to 24 hours. The new BaseStation Logger application can log all received messages to log files that can then be analysed using applications such as Microsoft Excel. The new SBS Link Tester application can be used to troubleshoot setup problems.

      For 3rd Party Developers

        Developers of 3rd party applications can interface with BaseStation much more easily (and more powerfully) by means of two new methods:

          The database, which uses the open source engine SQLite.

          The data socket, which outputs a stream of information that applications can "listen" to.

        Many applications have already been developed to take advantage of the interfaces options, among them:

        • SBSPopulate - which fills and manages the database.
        • BSAlert - which uses the socket interface to alert you to the appearance of aircraft that you are interested in.

Screen shot with key 'Modern Art' from SBS-1 Registration data inset

Virtual Radar and aircraft list Aircraft details screen

    As mentioned earlier the SBS-1e userbase is growing rapidly as are the sources of information and additional data, this includes detailed UK Waypoint and Airspace data from the Kinetic user forums available on their web site. As the userbase for the SBS-1 increases worldwide additional data will no doubt be available in the near future.

    There are also several Mode-S/ADS-B usergroups - these are often related to the tie up of unique HEX codes to individual aircraft registration and/or airframes.

    Please note we have no connection with any of the foums mentioned above. These usergroups may be moderated or have restricted membership at the discretion of group owner/s.

Scanner Interface

    The BaseStation software also incorpartes the facility to connect to a compatable Receiver/Scanner. The models supported at the moment are the Icom IC-PCR1000 together with the AOR AR8200 and AR8600 series. For use with th AR8200 a optional RS-232 interface such as our own RS-8200 or the AOR 8200PC is required. A firmware udate is also needed for the SBS-1 unit itself.

    To access to the Scanner Interface it is necessary to purchase a "Options Key" which will then make this feature available to you. It is then possible to autmatically tune the connected radio to any specific VHF airband frequency associated with waypoints/area or manually.

    It should be noted that new SBS-1er incorporates a VHF Airband and FM receiver.

What is Mode-S / ADS-B

    Mode-S is a Secondary Surveillance Radar (SSR) technique with a selective interrogation of aircraft with its unique 24-bit, referred to as the Hex code worldwide address. This enables a unique identification of aircraft removing the risk of confusion due to overlapping signals. Mode-S operates in the same Radio Frequency (1030-1090 MHz) band as conventional SSR systems.

    Mode-S employs airborne transponders that provide altitude and identification data, with ADS-B broadcasts and these are available to pilots and air traffic controllers. Latitude and Longtitude ADS-B broadcast data must be received by the SBS-1 for the BaseStation software to accuratly display and update an aircraft position.

    The BaseStation application will still show non ADS-B received Data if selected although ths will not be shown on the Virtual Radar screen.

    The UK Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) has required IFR flights operating as General Air Traffic (GAT) within designated UK Mode S airspace (London TMA) to be Mode S equipped from 31 March 2005, with a 2-year transition period until 31 March 2007, as per AIC 49/2005 (Yellow 171). Additionally, the CAA is about to begin a Regulatory Impact Assessment to mandate Mode S (Elementary) carriage outside of current designated Mode S airspace from 31 March 2008, with a proposed 2-year transition period to 31 March 2010.

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