Computer Control
Over recent years the number of receivers/scanners which can be connected to a Computer for remote control in one way or another has grown considerably, similarly the number of software packages now available has also increased.
Commercial Packages available from Javiation
For details on pricing and current availability please contact us by telephone, fax or e-mail and with few exceptions Demonstration versions of the software detailed can be downloaded from the relevant web pages.
- Jav-Scan 8000
Supports the AR8000
- ScanStar Deluxe
Supports the AR8200, AR8000, AR5000, AR3000, Icom IC-R10, IC-R7100, Optoelectronics OS-456/535
- ScanCat
Supports the AR8200, AR8000, AR5000, AR3000, AR3030, AR2500 (DOS version), Optoelectronics OS-456/535,
Icom IC-PCR1000, IC-R10 together with many other Icom, Kenwood and Yaesu equipment
- DJ-X10R
Supports the Alinco DJ-X10
- ARC Sofware
Supports the AR8200, AR8000 & AR5000
- AOR PC Manager
Supports the AR8000, AR2700 (Can also be used with the Trident TR-2000/220 or Camnis HSC-190/200/)
- AOR Spectrum Master
Supports the AR5000
- AOR Hawk 5000
Supports the SDU5000
- AOR Concerto
Supports the AR3030
- AOR Searchlight
Supports the AR3000/AR3000A
- AOR DataMaster
Supports the AR7030
As mentioned there is considerably large number of packages available supporting a wide number of receivers. Keeping track of all these packages is quite a task but Rich Wells through his Strongsignals Web page maintains a very good listing.