Icom IC-R7100 (DC)

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The IC-R7100 is no longer available having been replaced by the IC-R8500

The IC-R7100 takes you into the new information era. Stay on top of the world with the latest in the VHF and UHF communications technology while covering 25MHz ~ 2GHz. (so it says on this Icom leaflet !)

The recent (DC) version can only be powered via an external 12 volt DC power source.


Additional Outstanding Features:

Computer Control of the IC-R7100

The IC-R7100 using the optional CT-17 can be controlled externally via a Computer. There are several software packages that support the IC-R7100. For further information click here.

If you would like to download the Demonstration versions of Scan*Star Commercial or ScanCat Pro you will find them on Demon's FTP server.

Other Information

E-Mail Javiation for further information

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