Computer Interface

Please Note that the JAV-232 is currently unavailable.
We have no plans to manufacture anymore in the immediate future although I hope we will have more at some point.

Whilst the AR8000 was originally our reason for producing the JAV-232 it is also compatible with many receivers including the AR8200, AR8200-II together with AR2700, Camnis HSC-150/190/200, Commtel COM600/610, Icom (IC-R2, IC-R3, IC-R10 etc.), Alinco DJ-X2, DJ-X3, DJ-X10, DJ-X2000, Optoelectronics Scout, Trident TR-2000/2200/4000, TRX-100XLT, Yaesu VR-500, Signal R535 Airband receiver and almost any other receiver requiring a TTL interface.

The JAV-232 is housed in a compact case with a 1m length of multicore cable terminated in a DB-9 RS-232 connector. Also supplied is a Flat Flexible Cables (FFC's) for use with the AR8000 and some other receivers.

For connection to the AR8200 a special lead is required - the OS-8200/DIN and using any other equipment requires just a simple lead with a 7-way DIN plug for the JAV-232 terminated with the specific connector required for each piece of equipment.

Demonstration versions of several computer control packages are included on CD but we do suggest owners decide for themselves which package is most suitable.

When using the AOR AR8000 with the FFC or the AR8200 with optional OS-8200/DIN lead the JAV-232 not only provides computer control but a constant audio output together with a squelch activated tape recording circuit (On/Off). When using the AR8200 a FM discriminator output is also available.

You can download the owners manual, in MS Word format supplied with the JAV-232 here.

Just some of the sets the JAV-232 can be used with
The JAV-232 with just some of the sets it can be used with

Main Features

  • Fully compatible with:
    AOR AR8200 & AR8200-II
    AOR AR8000
    AOR AR2700
    Alinco DJ-X2, DJ-X10 & DJ-X2000
    Camnis HSC-150, HSC-190 & HSC-200
    Commtel COM600 & COM610
    Icom IC-R2, IC-R3, IC-R10 & other CI-V
    Optolectronics Scout
    Trident TR-2000, TR-2200, TR-4000 & TRX-100XLT
  • Original Sumitomo Flat Flexible Cable (FFC) supplied for use with AR8000
    (Can also be used with the AR2700 & some other equipment)
  • 7-pin Din input for connecting AR8200 and many other receivers
  • 5-pin Din Output provides Audio and Squelch Activated Remote Tape Recording for AR8000/AR8200 & Discriminator Output for AR8200.
  • FM Discriminator output when used with AR8200
  • 1.5m high quality Multicore Cable
  • Well produced Instruction Manual

JAV-232 and supplied accessories
JAV-232 and supplied accessories


The JAV-232 is priced at £79.99 for customers within the UK & EC member Countries.
For use with the AR8200 the OS-8200/DIN lead is required at a cost of £17.50.

For export outside EC member countries the price is £68.50 (excluding VAT) which as a guideline is about US$100 at the moment.

If you purchased your AR8000 or AR8200 from ourselves you have Discount Voucher worth 10% off the above prices. If you do not have a discount voucher but did purchase your AR8000 please contact us and we can verify your details without any trouble.

E-Mail Javiation for further information

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